
Giveaway: Malin Granroths bok "En klump i magen"


Ja, ni läste rätt! Vi har förmånen att erbjuda de första 25 besökarna ett gratis exemplar av den eminenta Malin Granroths bok "En klump i magen". Går att plocka upp efter öppning på Malmö Seriefest på lördag från kl.12!

Tack till Malin, och till er andra: skynda skynda skynda!

Intervju med fanzinisterna: Vild Studio!

Tell us a little bit about yourself, who are you?
I am a British comic book creator/ graphic designer based in Malmö. I have a wife and 2 kids, and I
like to make comics when I have any spare time. In December 2014 I started publishing as Vild
Studio. I recently had a short 8-page story published by Texas based comic book publisher Antarctic
Press. I have also successfully crowdfunded two books via Kickstarter.

What kind of comics do you make, and how did it all start?
My work is a mix of American superhero archetypes with Japanese science fiction. I started making
comics when I was very young, 8 or something. I have always loved American comics, I used to look
for Daredevil and Batman comics in my local corner shop. I love 80s and 90s Japanese manga, Ghost
in the Shell and Gunsmith Cats are some of my favourites. I am also really into manga by Q
Hayashida (Dorohedoro and Dai Dark) and Tsutomu Nihei (Blame and Biomega), both have a unique
style that I love. British comics have always been there too, like 2000 AD/ Judge Dredd, and Marvel
UK - which was very much its own thing until it closed. These are all influences I still use in my work
to this day.

What are you going to sell at Malmö Comics Fest?
I will be selling my Action/Sci-Fi graphic novel Vild, like most comic books Vild is a wild tale. It's about
a private detective/ex-assassin, who must save an old friend from a cybernetic cult called Faceless.
I will also be selling my new book DOMO Police, which stands for Demons Occult and Magical
Organizations Police. DOMO officer’s (or witch-cops as they are also known) work to keep
supernatural dark forces at bay. To Police the paranormal creatures and people that would seek to
do us harm. This book focuses on Officer Morgan March; Morgan always works alone, as she is the
only witch on the force in the city. But Morgan enjoys working alone, and Morgan enjoyed her life,
until one day her younger brother Mage is sent to live with her, and Morgan’s life is turned upside
down. Mage arrives with his own plans and gets involved with a local gang called Hell’s Children. If
this isn’t enough, a Samurai Penguin (yes, you read that right) wants Morgan to help him look for his
missing daughter Penguina. Will Morgan survive this chaos? Find out in the first issue of DOMO

If I have a few issues of Penguina by Antarctic Press left I will sell them too, it features my first
professionally printed story.
I will also have illustrations and other merc. Come and say hello and let me practice my bad Swedish
on you!

Any tips you’d like to give someone who wants to start making comics or fanzines?
I think the best way to learn something is start doing it, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Start
drawing and see where it takes you. Make a book that you want to read and not what you think
people want to read. Practice often and have fun!


Uppdaterat program!


Hej alla! På grund av ett bortfall i våra programpunkter har vi uppdaterat och stuvat om lite i vårt scenprogram! Kika gärna igenom så ni inte missar just era favoriter!

Intervju med fanzinisterna: Astrid!

Berätta lite om dig själv, vem är du?
Jag är illustratör, manga och Webtoon tecknare från finfina Österlen.

Vad gör du för serier och hur började det?
Mina serier är allt från action och drama till romance och comedy, allt med min egna tvist. Mitt intresse för manga upptäckte jag på skolbiblioteket i högstadiet och på gymnasiet introducerade min vän mig till Webtoons. Allt läsande gjorde att jag ville spinna loss på mina egna idéer.

Vad kommer du sälja på Malmö Seriefest?
Jag planerar att sälja flera olika prints, varav en är en serie sida som var med i Portal #2. Det kommer även att finnas fika stickers serverade på kakfat. Eftersom jag är främst en webbserie tecknare kommer det finnas gratis flyers till min pågående webtoon och på mina visitkort finns länk till mina andra serier online.

Vilka tips vill du ge till någon som vill börja göra serier och fanzin?
Hmm, det finns många tips man kan ge. Ett praktiskt tips är att alltid göra flera utkast av sina manus och thumbnails och att låta serieidén hinna gro innan man börjar teckna på riktigt. Då hinner man utforska sina idéer och har möjlighet till olika alternativ för sitt berättande.