
Intervju med Fanzinisterna: Artistic activities

Tell us about yourself! Who are you?

Nicolas Maurice : Writer, film maker, model builder, animator, print enthusiast — Exploring memory and the construction of an identity. (https://www.instagram.com/_nicolasmaurice_/)

Thomas Oger : Illustrator and comic book maker learning how to tell stories with the minimum panel possible ... and two kids. (https://www.instagram.com/tomaog)

We are sharing a workshop space called Artistic Activities in Stockholm

What kind of comics do you make, and how did it all start?

Nicolas Maurice : My practice always starts with writing, recording moments, remembering them, putting in words the very personal experience in the hope of reaching something common, creating a dialogue with images, captured or synthesized. And then crafting a physical object. Zines are a perfect playground for this process..

Thomas Oger : I started to create one pager's illustration for my son's bedroom and slowly built up longer stories and formats. After working on short zine/graphic novels I'm now working on a longer format with sequential panels. 

What are you going to sell at Malmö Comics Fest?

Nicolas Maurice : I'll be selling a collection of zines made from receipt prints and photographs, containing short writing pieces in both French and English, family stories, memories of places and poems

Thomas Oger: I will be selling a range of work from postcards to small zines. 

Any tips you’d like to give someone who wants to start making comics and/or fanzines?

Nicolas Maurice : Be playful, find out what you'd make if you were to make something, then don't stop until you can hold it in your hands.

Thomas Oger: Don't hesitate to try and release. Try to create a zine (A4 folder or a couple of pages) from A to Z. I think doing all the steps makes you understand what you like about the formats and find your own identity in colors, binding, format etc.

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